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Way to go, man! I loved it!

Good job, thank you!


great job!

I can't get over the Solar Striker feel here.  It's absolutely perfect!  Can't wait to get through all the levels.  Thanks for building this!  I can see so much attention to detail all throughout what I've played and in your screenshots.


All your games are of very high quality. Thanks for making all this for free ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Fantastic work, and great callback to solar striker with the name

(1 edit)

Great Game Boy Shooter with clean multi-scrolling. Well done! Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 04:42:20. English subtitles are also available. Subscription to our YouTube and Twitch channel is welcome. ๐Ÿ™‚

Very pretty! That smells like a one-page review for BrewOtaku #005 ;-)

(1 edit)

Very nice! I already beat stage one. The game looks great, plays great, and sounds incredible! Is there a Sound Test in the game? Or, is the soundtrack available to listen to somewhere?


Thank you! Try entering the year in which the Game Boy was first released as a password.

(That Ninja Gaiden Shadow reference in track 5... ๐Ÿ˜†โค๏ธ) 

Once again, outstanding music. ๐Ÿ™‚

very nice touch!  at what point should one start entering the konami code?

When playing the game, press start to pause. Then enter the code.


well done the game is beautiful :)